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「I'm Going Left」這首歌詞,一開始聽到就覺得滿有意思的。
我不知道我的理解有沒有錯誤,「I'm going left」中因為「Right」這個單字,有右邊、適合及正確的意思,但作者卻反其道而行,就是要走左邊,可能也有暗喻一般世俗的道路不是適合每個人吧~不過後面的歌詞其實我不是很懂
雖然「left」是leave的過去式及過去分詞,所以google翻譯是"我要離開"的意思,但不是應寫成「I'm going to leave」?(如有好心人請為我解答吧,文法不好= =)
而此首是翻唱史提夫‧汪德與前妻Syreeta合寫的"I’m Going Left"。按這
☆.Eric Clapton - I'm Going Left
(Well) I'm goin' left
'Til you lead me to the right
Lead me to what is right
I'm goin' left
'Til you lead me to the right
Lead me to what is right
There's a train people say
I could ride to get my whole life straight
But the bridge on the way
Has a toll too much for me to pay
Yes I know it must be
What I chose could mean my destiny
Lights are green all is go
But my heart keeps telling my mind no
There's a plane over there
Where all are given even share
What you get is so small
It's like never having nothing at all
Take my hand says a friend
A will stick with you until the end
But I'm in doubt I must decline
'Cause even friends can change their lines